Graphic Design & Web Design - Fig Tree Digital Agency in Adelaide

Extraordinary Times

extraordinary times

Image by Petter Pentila


There has never been a time in our recent history that has called us to all pivot and change at the pace we’ve had to undertake during the month of March this year. The effect of Coronavirus has left us all disoriented and has affected every individual throughout the community across their work, home, and extended family’s lives.

In a time when self-isolation is paramount, it is maintaining the connection of our community through communication and support that will have the greatest impact.

We started The Monthly Fig with the intention to share collections and updates, to keep you informed with the latest and greatest insights we’ve discovered.

As you would expect, our March edition presents information around the theme of Covid-19. Rather than focus on our specialist areas, we thought it would be useful to share the latest on government financial support, details on how a business is re-inventing through the crisis, a tool to help you find out how much toilet paper you really need, and useful ideas on how to look after your mental health when working from home.

Keep your spirits up during these times of ever-present change. Enjoy the read!

Fig Tree Digital
Fig Tree Digital


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